Since it has been over two months since my last resolution update I decided it was time. I have been putting this off because I wanted to have some type of major accomplishment to report. My accomplishment you ask? For the first time ever, I can honestly say that my driver’s license accurately reflects my weight. I know some of you are laughing right now (I probably would to) but after lying for almost a decade now (sometimes with MUCH bigger lies than others), it feels good to have rid my conscience of at least one little white lie. Unfortunately this accomplishment may be short lived as my license is up for renewal in September. It will be interesting to see if I am again compelled to reduce my actual weight by 10 pounds or so… I know, I am crazy, but ask most any other women and you will find that we are all crazy (but you knew that already, right?).
Needless to say, the healthy eating and exercise regimens have been paying off; not as quickly as I might have hoped but with frequent lapses in judgment and a seemingly unbreakable habit of drinking my weight in beer… I really have no grounds to complain. I am about 40% complete with my 30 pound resolution (that’s 12 pounds for those of you that are a little slow with the math). It may seem like I am ahead just by looking at the numbers but I know that it will get harder and harder as the year goes on. This in mind, I have been trying something new the last couple days that might help to speed things up… actually tasting my food. As much as I love food, it may be surprising that I typically inhale my meals, not really tasting much of anything. I have slowed it down and I can already tell that it will help me to eat less. More on this effort soon…
An update on the other resolutions:
Limit Television – I have been horrible with this one over the last several weeks. Although I am not nearly as bad as I was pre-resolution I admit I have been spending many an hour on my couch lately. I am hoping that this post will give me some renewed willpower and help me to say no to the seductive powers of the Food Network, Bravo, TLC and CNN.
Walk the Dog – I never really got this one going and now that the dog has moved back to Arizona I am taking it off the list. I thought about trying to get up and take walks by myself but I am simply not a morning person and it seems that I may be incapable of overcoming this fact, at least not this year. Right now it is an accomplishment if I can get to work by 9am so doing anything additional in the morning seems like a bad idea if I want to keep my job.
No Soda – I have been perfect on this resolution! No cheating… damn I am good. I have substituted soda with water mostly but lately I have been branching out and trying other drinks although somewhat unsuccessfully. There is a lot of nasty beverages out there… do not try Hansen’s Sugar Free Sparkling Sheek; it is quite possibly the most repulsive liquid I have ever put in my mouth.
Start my Novel – Still not started and I am still reading my first “research” book… I still have 9 months left though – the resolution was start the novel, not finish itJ
Go Back to School – Not a whole lot of new news to report on this one. Still on the damn waitlist at Haas but should hear something new by the end of the month. I have decided that if the answer is either “no” or “you’re still on the waitlist” I will move forward with putting the deposit down at Anderson. Anderson may not be my first choice but it is a damn good choice! After visiting the school a couple of weeks ago I am excited about the program, the people and even a little bit about LA (or at least about the beach)!
Make 2008 about Me – Well it hasn’t been about anyone else yet so I guess I am doing okay with this one.
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