Sunday, September 21, 2008

25 in a Lifetime

While unpacking a few weeks ago I found an assignment that I completed in seventh grade called “Twenty Five in a Lifetime.” I found it enlightening and entertaining to read what my 12 year old self wanted to do with my life. I have done many of the things on the list already, others still remain for my future and many are just plain hilarious, enjoy…

1. Get a master’s degrees (and maybe a PHD) – quite fitting that this is #1 on the list
2. Making it to a college that I want to go to (Stanford) – I didn’t go to Stanford (in fact I didn’t even apply) but I loved my time at the University of Arizona
3. Get married - check
4. Get into the I school I would like to go to in Tucson, AZ (University High) – again, didn’t even apply but I wouldn’t change a thing
5. Have a job as a lawyer – no longer on the agenda, I have chosen an alternate money hungry career path
6. Get a job doing something before age 15 – I must have been crazy and apparently I hadn’t heard of child labor laws
7. Buy my own car by age 17 – Daddy bought it
8. Live in a mansion on beach in Australia – Ambitious but I guess it could still happen.
9. Get a driver’s license - check
10. Go scuba diving – still on the list
11. Have a swimming pool in the shape of a rock guitar –I must have been watching MTV cribs a little too much
12. Stop pollution – a little ambitious for me at this point although I am still committed to doing my part
13. Help establish world peace – still on the list
14. Live on Mars – I think I prefer the mansion in Australia
15. Marry a rich man – My agenda has changed
16. Stop gang violence – Can you tell I was a child growing up in Southern, CA? No longer on the top of my to do’s.
17. Go parasailing - Possible
18. Fly in an air balloon – Apparently I hadn’t yet realized my fear of heights.
19. Go hand gliding – No thank you – again with the heights.
20. Travel around the world – Still on the list!
21. Fly a plane – I will leave this to the experts.
22. Go snow and water skiing – Still on the list
23. Invent a homework machine – I was a little comedian
24. Meet JTT – I never did meet Jonathan Taylor Thomas, and am now totally okay with that!
25. Never get in trouble with the law – So far so good

I have decided to author a new Twenty-Five in a lifetime that I can go back and look at 15 years from now to see how I have evolved. I will post the new list once it is complete but as a sneak preview I can promise there won’t see any items related to Jonathan Taylor Thomas, Mars or rock guitars.